ALS complies with the CMC Complaints’ Procedure under which:
1. All Regulated Mediators and Registered Mediation Providers must keep written records of any complaints received.
2. All Registered Mediation Providers must investigate complaints made against them or against Mediators appointed by them.
3. These complaints’ procedure details must be readily accessible to members of the public and clearly visible to potential mediation participants from the outset of the Mediator’s appointment, including being available on the Mediator’s or provider’s website.
4. This complaints’ procedures must:
a) Confirm that all complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 5 working days of receipt;
b) Confirm that all complaints will be investigated and responded to within 21 working days of receipt. On occasions further time may be required, in which case the complainant will be notified of this in writing.
c) In the case of Registered Mediation Providers, confirm that the investigation will be carried out by somebody other than the Mediator to which the complaint relates.
d) Explain that if the response is not accepted the complainant can appeal to the CMC on certain grounds, and confirm details of how to do this via the CMC’s appeal processes which can be found at: